Tuesday, 24 April 2012


Maximize Efficiency

The preparation of the test cases and scenarios is a tedious and time-consuming task.  Use the following guidelines to maximize efficiency in completing this process:

·          Keep information in one location only, to maximize re-use and minimize the effect of changes.

·          Complete steps one time only to avoid redundancy and extra work.

·          Complete as many steps as possible, as early as possible.

Preparation Steps

To prepare the test cases and scenarios for each business process, follow the procedures in the Test Plan and complete the following steps:

·          identify the business scenario types to be tested,

·          identify test cases for each requirement,

·          create test scenarios that incorporate all of the test cases,

·          document the test script that includes the system entry information necessary to test the scenario and the expected result in terms of the system,

·          after each step, (i.e., identification of the business scenario types, creation of the test cases, creation of the test scenarios, and documentation of the test scripts), review the information to ensure accuracy and completeness.

Identify Business Scenario Types

Identify the business scenario types, which are the situations that occur in the real business world.  A business scenario type is a typical real life circumstance that is handled by the system being tested.  A business scenario type can represent various situations, (e.g., a simple situation, or an exceptional situation, that requires complex processing).

For example, a simple business scenario type for a banking system is a bank customer with a savings account, with a starting balance of $1000.00  and one savings transaction per month; or for a welfare system a simple business scenario type is a single-parent household with one child and no income.  An example of an exceptional business scenario type for a banking system is a bank customer who opens a two-year certificate of deposit and withdraws the funds early; or for a welfare system, a household that applies with a single parent who later marries and becomes a step-parent household with income.

Identify Test Cases

For each documented and approved acceptance requirement, identify the test cases using Preparing Test Cases.

Create Test Scenarios

For each of the business scenario types, create a test scenario that consists of as many test cases as possible.  Include only the test cases that can occur for that business scenario type.  For example, the business scenario type with a bank customer with a savings account, with a starting balance of $1000.00  and one savings transaction per month, would not include any test cases applicable to a checking account.  During this process, you may need to create additional test scenarios to accommodate all of the test cases.

To ensure the test scenarios include all of the test cases, map the test case conditions to the scenarios.  For example, use a test case coverage matrix, with the business scenario types in the left hand column matched to the  test case conditions across the top row.  In the row for each business scenario type, mark each of the tests that will be included in the test scenario.

Plan the order of the test cases within the scenario carefully.  Items to consider include:

·          Arrange the test cases into the scenario in an order that allows the data produced by the system, as the result of one test, to be used as input to the next test.

·          Order the test cases so that the scenario follows a path that is typical of the real business world.

·          Take into account any functional dependencies or priorities that may affect the order.

Document the test scenario on the test scenario summary template as illustrated in the test scenario sample by:

·          identifying a unique identifier, (e.g., a scenario number),

·          identifying the business scenario type,

·          listing prerequisite test case numbers for any tests that must be completed successfully, prior to tests within the scenario,

·          listing the test case number for each test case, in the order in which the tests will occur.

Create Test Scripts

Once the system construction is known, use the test scenario summary as a guide for creation of the test script.  Include the following in the test script:

·          Instruct the tester on what to do in terms of system input.  For example, prepare a step-by-step narrative (e.g., enter Mason, John in the name field on the Name screen) or documentation to support the data input process, (e.g., screen samples with the appropriate data filled in).  Include every step necessary to establish the condition, even if there is no test attached.  Identify the timing of the action, (e.g., the simulated date on which to take the input action and the simulated date on which the expected result is to be reviewed, or for cycle testing, scenarios might be arranged into logical days, weeks, months, and years over an actual two month period.).

·          Identify the expected result in terms of the system output.  For example, the expected result can be represented in terms of narrative (e.g., an edit message "not known to system" is displayed on the Name screen) or documentation (e.g., screen samples or reports with the appropriate data filled in).

·          For each test case condition, provide a space for the documentation of the actual result, which will be completed when the tests are conducted.

·          Use the test scenario summary as the face sheet for the test script.

The test scenario sample provides an illustration of a prepared scenario, including the test script.

Review the Tests

Use the procedures defined in the Test Plan to conduct reviews after the completion of each step, (i.e., review the types of business scenarios, the test cases, the business scenarios, and the test scripts).

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